
Hello everyone. today I'm talk about environment and recycling. First of all, I have to say that I feel very sad when I see how our specie, the humans, destroy the world in a very fast way. Capitalism it is the first enemy of nature. Personally, I know that I don't make a lot, the things that I do for being environmentally friendly are insufficient yet. I try to don't use plastic bags, I prefer fabric bags or some times I don't use bags when I buy a few things, I often use my backpack. Besides, I try to reduce every plastic things, like bottles and straws. I think that its my most important act for being enviromentally friendly, I know that I have to do better in the future. Now, respect the Chilean government and the public policies, I think that Chilean State doesn't matter environment, It's right that exist laws about recycling and being friendly, like the recent law prohibits plastic bags on trade. We can see that on one side, but for the other Chilean...