Introduction Two: Living in a hyperconnected world
Background: Today we are living in the computer age, sinces the 90's the technology has been increasing, the people who born between 80's and the end of the last century are undergone this change, The "smart things" like phones, computers, TVs, even robots it's part of the new technological objects, this products make our dutys and works more easy to do, but more important, the social world, the information access, the way of geting fun, the communication, and the humans relations are constantly changed because the technology. Of course, this situacion have positive and negative consequences; the internet and the technology its usefull por the studys, the knowledge its more democratized now, and the people are more connected with the people from the another part of the world, here in Chile we can talk with someone of China for example. Problem: Sadly, the progress is not perfect, we are in the hyperconnected age, sometimes the virtual reality ...