Introduction Two: Living in a hyperconnected world


Today we are living in the computer age, sinces the 90's the technology has been increasing, the people who born between 80's and the end of the last century are undergone this change, The "smart things" like phones, computers, TVs, even robots it's part of the new technological objects, this products make our dutys and works more easy to do, but more important, the social world, the information access, the way of geting fun, the communication, and the humans relations are constantly changed because the technology. 
Of course, this situacion have positive and negative consequences; the internet and the technology its usefull por the studys, the knowledge its more democratized now, and the people are more connected with the people from the another part of the world, here in Chile we can talk with someone of China for example. 


Sadly, the progress is not perfect, we are in the hyperconnected age, sometimes the virtual reality can be more important or use more our time that the real life, we can forget how talk and make relations with the other people in person, this technological generations want everything in a inmediatly way, we don't know the importance of the time, or the enjoy, we are only consuming information like music, videos, news, comments, in a sick way. It's hard control the internet addiction for the adults people, for the generation of the change, "the millenials" like they call us. 

So, Imagine, How grow a child in this age? We have to care about the childrens of this hyperconnected life, they born with all this technological tools but don't know how to use it. The excesive use of the technology from early age have bad consequences for the mental health, they can have social and psychological problems, Besides the childrens can have physical problems, the obesity it's directly related with the internet addiction. 

Proposed Solution: 

The adult people have to give the example for the childrens and teenagers, The State, the society and the familys are responsable for this problem. In first time, the State could be make the education more interactive, make more green areas for all the childrens of all the social class of this country. Chile is very inequal country. Exists familys and childrens that living a vulnerables environment, they don't have parks or squares, they don't have books or artistic and free activities, but they have a big TV of a lot inches, so we can understand that is a social and cultural problem too.

Respect to the familys, i'ts important teach and pass time with the childrens, with our daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, cousins, it's important make real human relations in this hyperconnected world. We can read a book, play soccer, dance, go to the park, choose a board game, start a hobbie, but we have to use our bodies and our minds, thats it's the only way to feel connected, but with ourselves. 


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