ESSAY 2: Is cow milk healthy?

In western world milk is considered as important element of a balanced diet. This product provide calcium, protein, and vitamin D. The sources of milk products include cows, sheep, camels, goats, and others. Except for domesticated animals, humans are the only species that drinks the breast milk of another species, besides, is the only species that continues to drink breast milk into adulthood. Now, the the milk producers give hundred percent more milk. How can that be possible? It's possible with drugs, antibiotics and hormones. After was mentioned that exist a lot of milk animal origins but in this article will focus in cow milk, especially in the effects that milk produce in the human health. The question is: Is cow milk healthy?

This is a question that always been generated discussion. Some part of scientifics argue that cow milk is healthy for humans, and another part of the scientific world are disagree with the afirmation. Who believe that cow milk is unhealthy say the milk of every species is unique and specifically tailored for that animal (Kumar et al., 2014). Cow milk contain different propotions of important elements and nutrients like proteins and fatty acids compared with human milk. The reason, for Kumar et al. (2014) is that cow milk is not designed for humans. With this imbalance it's generated an excess of nutrients that could proves harmful. But i'ts not only a problema of nature. This food is processed, and in this process introduce contaminants in milk. In cow milk exist a hormone called rBGH, that could be estimulate the transformation of normal breast cells to tomour cells, that produce breast cancer. 

On the other hand, are the scientists who believe that cow milk is good for human health, this part of the scientifc community said that the available scientific evidence supports that the intake of cow milk and cow milk products contributes to comply with nutrient recommendations and can protect against the most prevalent chronic diseases, while very few adverse effects have been reported (Kongerslev et al., 2016). Also, cow milk can strengthen the bone health, because it provides vitamin D and calcium, can strengthen the brain health too, Budler (2017) said in her arcticle that "researchers from the University of Kansas have found that older adults who consume more dairy products have a higher amount of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, in the brain". 

In conclusion, the scientific debate still present about the question if if cow milk healthy for the humans or not. All the researchs and their discoveries are insufficient for make a change, If the scientific community think that consume cow milk is harmfull for the human health, is necessary the actions of the government, this problem have politics causes and consequences. In any case, is important that we like consumers keep ourselves informed about what we are eating and driking, what we are introduce into our body, and what are the effects of the food products. 



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