Chilean Music.

The music is something very important in the life of everyone, when we listen or make music, we are express our feelings and thoughts, but the music i'ts not only personal, the music can express the social and cultural environment of a group, town, even a country.  

Here in Chile exist a crossover between differents cultures, we have musical roots from our indigenous people, and the same time we have the modern music from west and the countries of english speech. We as Latin Americans live in a post-colonial condition, and that condition it's could listen of differents musicians. I'ts important to mention that this post-colonial condition could be express in different ways, always depend from the age. 

Violeta Parra is a music icon from the chilean folklore, She represent the popular classes, and her songs talk about the colonial condition of Chile, she live in the age of contruction of the chilean identity with the territorial expansion, the first half of the 20th, and she try in that moment to tell us about the true, the true was the Chile becomes independent from Spain, to be the new colony from Europe and United States.
"Los Prisioneros" are another amazing example, they exist in the 80's, and they make music of protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and the new economic sistem that his regimen introduced, the neoliberalism. "Los Prisioneros" say the things that anyone dare to say, they make a musical revolution.

Alex Anwandter is a actual musician, she represents the young people of the 21th. In his music she express the dissatisfaction of this generation, the generation that don't believe in the conservative values of the Catolic Church and the State. 

In conclusion, we can understand that the music could be a weapon if we know how to use it. The music is art at the same time that i'ts policy. Also we can understand a lot of social problems listen a little of chilean o latinoamerican music, that music speaks about our lives. Everyone knows that the anglo music and another types of music are very good too, but we have to know something about ourselfs.


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