My Favourite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone, today I'll talk about my favourite piece of technology.

Well, First I want to make it clear that technology and me are not good friends, I have never been interested in technology and in fact I am very awkward to use the various appliances technological, even television. 
Nevertheless I can say that my favorite technological object is the cell phone, neither I like very much the cell phones but it is the object that more I occupy to speak with my dears, to find out about academic matters or simply to visit the social networks.

 I don't remember exactly how old I was when I had my first phone, I think it was between 11 and 12 years, in the period that only serve to speak. 

At least the one that I have now is almost 3 years old, it is a very old phone for nothing modern not cool, but it serves to me and I occupy it every day, especially to speak with my friends, my boyfriend and my mom who lives in Valparaiso.

What more I like of the cell phones is that they have many different functions, they are very easy to transport and comfortable of using.

And good, obviously I do not imagine the life without a cell phone, I am too used to it using that I already generate one without end of daily needs in my life.


  1. Hi Eva, it's true what you say! the cell phones already dominated us, we do not know how to do almost anything if they are not in our lives. regards! :3

  2. I occupy my cellphone to comunicate with people in the V region too aajjaja <3 <3


  3. that important and necessary is the use of the cell phone in the present times

  4. I agree with you. Nowdays use cell phones is too necessary. We live in an intercomnunication world!!


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