A special gift

Well, this can sound a little romantic maybe, but when I think about special gifts in this moment of my life, I used to think in the gifts that my boyfriend gave to me. Of course that my parents and friends give things to me, but that things its almost things that like to me, like cute clothes, painting things and everything that I like to use and make.

 My special gift at the moment, its a handmade necklace that my boyfriend gave to me for our first anniversary. Honestly I believe that made that necklace was very difficult and take a lot of time, so I considered so much that my boyfriend dedicate his time in make me a gift, and besides the contents its so beautiful and intimate. I never will see nothing similar. 

I love so much this neckclace, and for the same I never use because I afraid of loser or break it, I keep this neckclace in a box that I have, it's really cute that this was a box that I painting myself and there I save all my precious things.

Any way, I love to give handmade things, for two reasons, I really like arts and design, making things with my hands make me relax, and for the reasons that I said, there are unique things with a emotional value. 


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