Something I would like to learn

I considered myself like a person that constantly falling in love with the artistic things, I found pleasure in the design and esthetic, the diversity of colors and forms change everything. I be happy learning any thing that make me use my hands and imagination. I love my career, but I always say that I want to make a little undertaking with handmade things. 

One area of the Art that I would like to learn is the ceramic, I love the process, the tradicional way of make pottery. In a way the next year in Archaeology I will learn a lot of ceramic, because is a prehistoric skill, The books say that is part of the Neolitic revolution, Besides the pottery is inside of a lot diferent cultures. 

I feel interested for that way of make this art, but in my process or how I would like to make ceramic, is a little more modern, I would like mix the creation of a ceramic piece with the design. In Instagram, I follow great ceramics artist, they give inspiration. The point is the expensive of start to learning this art, I am a student with a lot of outlays and with not much free time. 

Now, talkings about things that I wanted to do in the past, I tried learn acrobatics in fabrics like the Circus but didn't result because I very weak, specially I did'nt and I still don't have strong in my arms. Today I understand my strengths and weaknesses, and I am happy with that!

Resultado de imagen para ceramic design tumblr


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