Hello everyone, this time I wanna talk about me, my life and family for you to know me a little more. 

Well starts with  beginning, I was born in Santiago, Providencia on July 15, 1998,  I am the second daughter of my parents, the first is my brother Enzo, but i dont see him like an elder brother because we have only two years of difference, we have always lived together and the same things. I lived with my parents and my brother in Ñuñoa for many years , here I studied my primary school with my brother in the same place and we share our friends, almost all my chilhood was here in  ñuñoa. 

In 2007 was born my little brother; Sebastian, I only had nine years  old when I knew him and was so exciting for me to have a new brother. We lived in Ñuñoa for 3 years more till my parents decided that the family will go to live in Valparaiso. Was difficult for me accustom to the city and the new school,I hated my new school because was catholic and very strict, for my luck i studied only one year there and I changed to my last school, where i studied all my high school and I knew all my friends and also my boyfriend. 

This year I am back to ñuñoa to study anthropology in the University of Chile,  was very difficult for me get out my city, my family, my friends and my boyfriend. Right now i feel good with my new life, I travel to my city almost all the weekends to see my loved ones, is easy because a trip to Valparaiso only takes one hour and a half. In my free time I like to cook cakes altought i dont cook so much this weeks because I have to eat more healthy,i love watch series and movies, I love "Game of thrones" and its so sad waiting two years for the last season, but I pretend to watch the last season of "Twin Peaks", also I am waiting for the second season of "Stranger things", i have so many things that I like but its over for this time, 

Hasta la vista baby. 


  1. Valparaiso it's beautiful! the city of the sun and the party!
    I also traveled too much to Valparaiso, Take care of you! Bye

  2. I'm live in V region too, and I love Valparaíso <3

  3. Valparaiso it's magic city, full of colors and really like.


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