Why i choose Anthropology?

When I was a child I always dreamed to be dancer or actress, I liked the idea of staying in a stage, this changed a lot, now I believe that I am a little shy. Eventually I thought to be writer or teacher of language, make great stories like J.K Rowling or Marcela Paz.
 When I grew up and I had to apply to university, I chose anthropoly like my first option in differentes universitys, I love the idea to study this career, in second place, I choose Hispanic Literature, motivated for my dreams of child. And in third place, I choose journalism, I think that this career is entertaining, but for me have a moral that its not like mine, is part of the handling of the media. 

In true, I never thought in the other options that I chose outside of anthropology, I was really focused in this career, so when I heard that I was in, I didn't have doubts. 
My experience at the moment has been good, I haven't disappoint yet. I think that are things in my career that we have to solve like the social importance of our knowledge production. 

My career has three specialities, for now I am in the first year of basic cycle but I have to choose at the end of the next year my field. I like two specialities of Anthropoly, there is arqueocholy and social antrhopoly and I don't know wich of boths I will choose, I am changing my mind all the time, but I dont worry because I have a lot of time and experience yet. 


  1. I like it J.K Rowling, also I love it write histories, you must keep typing or least as hobbie
    pd: archaeology is the best

  2. I love the actress career, there is so entertaining but I think that I'm don't have ability to express so much jajajaja xoxo

  3. When I was a child, also I want to be a dancer hehe xoxo

  4. Eva! The truth is I see you as a language teacher! But Anthropology probably feels better:O


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