English Languague Challenges

Hello everyone, today I gonna to talk about how my English language has evolved. The truth is that I have not improved much because I have been very loose with my English courses at the university. Despite my laziness I feel that I have improved in my ability to improvise when I have to speak English, as in the lectures or conversations that take place in classes. As for blogs, it was fun to do them, time flew by and I learned words I did not know, so it was a good experience.

Something that has always cost me the English language, the connectors and grammar rules, I find it hard to remember them, and besides the pronunciation, I guess it's something like practicing, I would like to know how to pronounce what I am saying to feel more secure to the time to talk, although it is obvious that it is something that will take time. I think I am going to improve my English skills as I go through the courses, although as I said before on my own and my concern about my career paths, I do not concentrate much on the courses. I think that I should study an English course independently, only then I can put all my attention and mentality into handling the language.

It will sound funny but sometimes I play to speak in English, I also memorize parts that I like about the series or movies that I see, although I will not lie, I see them subtitled. Also on the internet there are memes in English, social networks are in English, videos that I want to see and do not have subtitles, in all those everyday moments I use the language.


  1. Hello! I must admit that I have also been a bit lazy with the English courses, because I did not like the schedule very much (at that time, Im very sleepy).

  2. I'm totally agree with you, I don't concentrate in the courses and the learning is difficult, in general my english is worst ahahah, I don't understand a lot of memes in english, only when I know the words djkfh


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