Posgraduate Studies: History of Art.

Hi everyone, today I'll gonna talk about posgraduate studies, well I think that it's a little hastly talk about posgraduate studies because I'am in my first year of university, but let's dream a little. I'll like study History of Art. I think is important study posgraduate studies because, we never stop learn, the world is so amazing, all this tipes of things, hahaha. I like the University of Chile, but I prefer study out of my country, I dont know what place, but I dont care for the moment. I suppose that I have to work at the same time, so I think that will be a part-time study. Any way, we never know what it's gonna happen in the future, I believe in my career, and I wanna study another posgraduate studies related to this, like Industrial archaeology and experimental archaeology. I hope that I can meet my goals and not dissapoint me on the way.

Goodbye!, see u later. 


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Wow, I really love that you want History of Art, I dream with study this since I was a child! I hope that you will can study that. Wish me luck too, please!

  3. I'd like to study out of my country, I have a personal preference but I'm young to think in that stuff. I think the History of Art is amazing and you be capable of anything <3


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