Instagram, the app I use the most

Hello everyone, today I'm talk about my favorite app, in fact I don't use much my cellphone, I have like five apps in my phone, and one of this five apps it's Instagram, I discovered this app when I have 15 years old, because a lot of my friends have the app in that moment. So, all of a sudden everyone use Instagram. 
Personally, I like this app because I can see diversity of things, like art, cook, cusic, videofilm, News, jokes, famous people, even we can buy things por this app, I follow a lot of Instagram stores, I have bought clothes for this app and I think is very usefull, the clothes of this stores is recycled and much more unique and nice. Besides, this app is more public, we can follow people that we don't know, but at the same time, we can have our account like private, so we can choose, in Facebook we only have people that we know, and everyone else can see our profile. I believe that I use Instagram every day, I see this app when I feel bored in any time, there's so beauty pictures too, I really like it. 

I seriously recommend have this app because you can see in Instagram eveything you like, there's profiles and contents for all the tastes. And it's nice have a digital photo album. 

Well, that's all for this time, Bye!


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